GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

Source Last Updated
GlycoNAVI Proteins December 18, 2024
Displaying entries 15151 - 15200 of 40384 in total
PDB ID UniProt ID Title ▲ Descriptor
7TCE Q02762 Crystal structure of delta sub IV Rhodobacter Sphaeroides bc1 with the antimalarial drug atovaquone.
4FBZ 4FBZ Crystal structure of deltarhodopsin from Haloterrigena thermotolerans
7A3R B1N6C5 Crystal structure of dengue 1 virus envelope glycoprotein
7A3O Q9II02 Crystal structure of dengue 1 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
7A3O 7A3O Crystal structure of dengue 1 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
4UTC Q68Y26 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein
4UT9 Q68Y26 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein dimer in complex with the ScFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
4UT9 4UT9 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein dimer in complex with the ScFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
4UTA Q68Y26 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C8
4UTA 4UTA Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C8
4UTB Q68Y26 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE2 A11
4UTB 4UTB Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE2 A11
4UT6 4UT6 Crystal structure of dengue 2 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE2 B7
7A3S P27915 Crystal structure of dengue 3 virus envelope glycoprotein
7A3T A0A481XTQ0 Crystal structure of dengue 3 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C8
7A3T 7A3T Crystal structure of dengue 3 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the Fab fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C8
7A3P Q07019 Crystal structure of dengue 3 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
7A3P 7A3P Crystal structure of dengue 3 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
7A3Q S5S2D1 Crystal structure of dengue 4 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
7A3Q 7A3Q Crystal structure of dengue 4 virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the scFv fragment of the broadly neutralizing human antibody EDE1 C10
2ZID Q2HWU5 Crystal structure of dextran glucosidase E236Q complex with isomaltotriose
3VMP F5BA50 Crystal structure of dextranase from Streptococcus mutans in complex with 4,5-epoxypentyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside
3VMO F5BA50 Crystal structure of dextranase from Streptococcus mutans in complex with isomaltotriose
3O5B P33284 Crystal structure of dimeric KlHxk1 in crystal form VII with glucose bound (open state)
7C02 A0A0A0Q7F3 Crystal structure of dimeric MERS-CoV receptor binding domain
2CH9 O76096 Crystal structure of dimeric human cystatin F
8W6P P70158 Crystal structure of dimeric murine SMPDL3A
6F7X A0A0S4TLR1 Crystal structure of dimethylated RSL - cucurbit[7]uril complex, F432 form
6ZUM A0A0S4TLR1 Crystal structure of dimethylated RSL-N23H (RSL-B3) in complex with cucurbit[7]uril and zinc
6STZ A0A0S4WQH1 Crystal structure of dimethylated RSLex - cucurbituril free form
6SU0 A0A0S4TLR1 Crystal structure of dimethylated RSLex in complex with cucurbit[7]uril
4TWL A7MAQ2 Crystal structure of dioscorin complexed with ascorbate
1W1I P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV or CD26) in complex with adenosine deaminase
1W1I P56658 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV or CD26) in complex with adenosine deaminase
5KBY P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with SYR-472
3G0B P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with TAK-322 Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (E.C.
3G0C P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with a pyrimidinedione inhibitor 1
3G0D P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with a pyrimidinedione inhibitor 2
3G0G P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with a pyrimidinone inhibitor 3
3F8S P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with inhibitor
3QBJ P27487 Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in complex with inhibitor
4DG6 O75581 Crystal structure of domains 1 and 2 of LRP6
2XXL Q9VB68 Crystal structure of drosophila Grass clip serine protease of Toll pathway
6F2T P97675 Crystal structure of ectonucleotide phosphodiesterase/pyrophosphatase-3 (NPP3)
6F2V P97675 Crystal structure of ectonucleotide phosphodiesterase/pyrophosphatase-3 (NPP3) in complex with AMP
6F33 P97675 Crystal structure of ectonucleotide phosphodiesterase/pyrophosphatase-3 (NPP3) in complex with AMPNPP
6F2Y P97675 Crystal structure of ectonucleotide phosphodiesterase/pyrophosphatase-3 (NPP3) in complex with Ap4A
6F30 P97675 Crystal structure of ectonucleotide phosphodiesterase/pyrophosphatase-3 (NPP3) in complex with UDPGlcNAc
3VLA Q05929 Crystal structure of edgp
3BXF O32253 Crystal structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (CggR) from Bacillus subtilis in complex with effector fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

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GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.0

Last updated: December 9, 2024