GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

Source Last Updated
GlycoNAVI Proteins March 05, 2025
Displaying entries 16701 - 16750 of 41249 in total
PDB ID ▼ UniProt ID Title Descriptor
7BEJ 7BEJ Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in complex with COVOX-158 Fab (crystal form 1)
7BEI P0DTC2 Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in complex with COVOX-150 Fab
7BEI 7BEI Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in complex with COVOX-150 Fab
7BEH P0DTC2 Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in complex with COVOX-316 Fab
7BEH 7BEH Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein in complex with COVOX-316 Fab
7BE3 P17931 Human Galectin-3 in complex with LacdiNAc
7BDH Q6P988 Notum Fragment 955
7BDG Q6P988 Notum Fragment 934
7BDF Q6P988 Notum Fragment 927
7BDD Q6P988 Notum Fragment 924
7BDC Q6P988 Notum Fragment 923
7BDB Q6P988 Notum Fragment 916
7BDA Q6P988 Notum Fragment 900
7BD9 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 886
7BD8 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 872
7BD6 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 863
7BD5 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 830
7BD4 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 828
7BD3 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 823
7BCP R4JTF7 Crystal structure of the sugar acid binding protein DctPAm from Advenella mimigardefordensis strain DPN7T in complex with gluconate
7BCL Q6P988 Notum Fragment 792
7BCI Q6P988 Notum Fragment 784
7BCH Q6P988 Notum Fragment 772
7BCF Q6P988 Notum Fragment 722
7BCD Q6P988 Notum Fragment 714
7BCC Q6P988 Notum Fragment 705
7BC9 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 690
7BC8 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 658
7BC1 A9CEY6 Crystal structure of aldo-keto reductase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens in a ternary complex with NADPH and glucose
7BBV G2X3Y1 Pectate lyase B from Verticillium dahliae
7BBH A0A6M3G9R1 Structure of Coronavirus Spike from Smuggled Guangdong Pangolin
7BBC A0A329WTS5 Joint X-ray/neutron room temperature structure of perdeuterated PLL lectin in complex with perdeuterated L-fucose
7BB4 A0A329WTS5 Crystal structure of perdeuterated PLL lectin in complex with L-fucose
7BAX D3KTZ8 Crystal structure of LYS11 ectodomain
7BAP Q6P988 Notum Fragment 648
7BAO Q6N022 human Teneurin4 Mut C1
7BAN Q6N022 human Teneurin4 Mut C2
7BAM Q6N022 human Teneurin4 WT C2
7BAG P01024 C3b in complex with CP40
7BAG 7BAG C3b in complex with CP40
7BAC Q6P988 Notum Fragment 646
7BA1 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 634
7B9U Q6P988 Notum Fragment 609
7B9N Q6P988 Notum Fragment 588
7B9I Q6P988 Notum Fragment 297
7B9D Q6P988 Notum Fragment 290
7B99 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 283
7B98 Q6P988 Notum Fragment 282
7B8Z Q6P988 Notum-Fragment 277
7B8Y Q6P988 Notum-Fragment 276

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Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025