GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

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GlycoNAVI Proteins
Displaying entries 40501 - 40550 of 41249 in total
PDB ID UniProt ID Title ▲ Descriptor
2GGU P35247 crystal structure of the trimeric neck and carbohydrate recognition domain of human surfactant protein D in complex with maltotriose
7E5M P09758 crystal structure of trans assembled human TROP-2
1YWH Q9UMV0 crystal structure of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor
1YWH 1YWH crystal structure of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor
1OM0 Q8L5C6 crystal structure of xylanase inhibitor protein (XIP-I) from wheat
2X08 P00431 cytochrome c peroxidase: ascorbate bound to the engineered ascorbate binding site
2B5I P60568 cytokine receptor complex
2B5I P14784 cytokine receptor complex
2B5I P31785 cytokine receptor complex
2B5I P01589 cytokine receptor complex
1U47 P52026 cytosine-8-Oxoguanine base pair at the polymerase active site
7PVI Q83AP3 dTDP-sugar epimerase
2HVI Q5KWC1 ddCTP:G pair in the polymerase active site (0 position)
2HVH Q5KWC1 ddCTP:O6MeG pair in the polymerase active site (0 position)
2HHW Q5KWC1 ddTTP:O6-methyl-guanine pair in the polymerase active site, in the closed conformation
2QJR P27487 dipepdyl peptidase IV in complex with inhibitor PZF
1JQP P80067 dipeptidyl peptidase I (cathepsin C), a tetrameric cysteine protease of the papain family
8HIP Q9GZC8 dsRNA transporter
7WV5 O15455 ectoTLR3-poly(I:C)
8YA7 A0A1B1Y779 endo-1,3-fucanase Fun168A,complex with fucotetraose
8IC1 8IC1 endo-alpha-D-arabinanase EndoMA1 D51N mutant from Microbacterium arabinogalactanolyticum in complex with arabinooligosaccharides
8IC7 8IC7 exo-beta-D-arabinofuranosidase ExoMA2 from Microbacterium arabinogalactanolyticum in complex with beta-D-arabinofuranose
4FBY P0A444 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIQ1 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIF8 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8CM25 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIP0 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIN9 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DJ43 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DJZ6 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY P59087 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q9F1K9 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIN8 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DHA7 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY P0A431 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DIQ0 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q9F1L5 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY P0A386 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q9F1R6 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY 4FBY fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DHJ2 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
4FBY Q8DJI1 fs X-ray diffraction of Photosystem II
6X7J A1YIY3 fucose-bound structure of Marinomonas primoryensis PA14 carbohydrate-binding domain
7DF8 A0A0C4DFX6 full length hNPC1L1-Apo
4XHJ Q775J3 gHgL of Varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies.
4XHJ Q9J3N1 gHgL of Varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies.
4XHJ 4XHJ gHgL of Varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies.
4XI5 Q775J3 gHgL of varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies
4XI5 Q9J3N1 gHgL of varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies
4XI5 4XI5 gHgL of varicella-zoster virus in complex with human neutralizing antibodies

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International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025