GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

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GlycoNAVI Proteins
Displaying entries 40601 - 40650 of 41249 in total
PDB ID UniProt ID Title ▲ Descriptor
6IRS Q01650 human LAT1-4F2hc complex incubated with JPH203
6GKD Q20BJ8 human NBD1 of CFTR in complex with nanobodies D12 and G3a
6GKD 6GKD human NBD1 of CFTR in complex with nanobodies D12 and G3a
4D4J Q16875 human PFKFB3 in complex with a pyrrolopyrimidone compound
4D4K Q16875 human PFKFB3 in complex with a pyrrolopyrimidone compound
4D4L Q16875 human PFKFB3 in complex with a pyrrolopyrimidone compound
4D4M Q16875 human PFKFB3 in complex with a pyrrolopyrimidone compound
6D1W Q13563 human PKD2 F604P mutant
4B2D P14618 human PKM2 with L-serine and FBP bound.
5L0V Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with 2F-glucose modified EGF(+) and UDP
5L0V 5L0V human POGLUT1 in complex with 2F-glucose modified EGF(+) and UDP
5L0T Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with EGF(+) and UDP
5L0T 5L0T human POGLUT1 in complex with EGF(+) and UDP
5L0U Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with EGF(+) and UDP-phosphono-glucose
5L0U 5L0U human POGLUT1 in complex with EGF(+) and UDP-phosphono-glucose
5L0S Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with Factor VII EGF1 and UDP
5L0S P08709 human POGLUT1 in complex with Factor VII EGF1 and UDP
5L0R Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with Notch1 EGF12 and UDP
5L0R P46531 human POGLUT1 in complex with Notch1 EGF12 and UDP
5UB5 Q8NBL1 human POGLUT1 in complex with human Notch1 EGF12 S458T mutant and UDP
5UB5 P46531 human POGLUT1 in complex with human Notch1 EGF12 S458T mutant and UDP
1U4L P13501 human RANTES complexed to heparin-derived disaccharide I-S
1U4M P13501 human RANTES complexed to heparin-derived disaccharide III-S
4GNC Q15493 human SMP30/GNL-1,5-AG complex
6HCY Q687X5 human STEAP4 bound to NADP, FAD, heme and Fe(III)-NTA.
6HD1 Q687X5 human STEAP4 bound to NADPH, FAD and heme.
7BAO Q6N022 human Teneurin4 Mut C1
7BAN Q6N022 human Teneurin4 Mut C2
7BAM Q6N022 human Teneurin4 WT C2
4V2A Q6ZN44 human Unc5A ectodomain
1OGS P04062 human acid-beta-glucosidase
7EKP P36544 human alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor bound to EVP-6124
7EKT P36544 human alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor bound to EVP-6124 and PNU-120596
7EKI P36544 human alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in apo-form
8C9X P36544 human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody
8C9X 8C9X human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody
8CAU P36544 human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody and nicotine
8CAU 8CAU human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody and nicotine
8CI2 P36544 human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody under sub-saturating conditions
8CI2 8CI2 human alpha7 nicotinic receptor in complex with the C4 nanobody under sub-saturating conditions
6Q0O 6Q0O human antibody H2227 lineage 652 in complex with influenza hemagglutinin head domain of A/Solomon Islands/3/2006(H1N1)
3CU0 O94766 human beta 1,3-glucuronyltransferase I (GlcAT-I) in complex with UDP and GAL-GAL(6-SO4)-XYL(2-PO4)-O-SER
7BGC P06276 human butyrylcholinesterase in complex with a tacrine-methylanacardate hybrid inhibitor
6RU5 P01024 human complement C3 in complex with the hC3Nb1 nanobody
6RU5 6RU5 human complement C3 in complex with the hC3Nb1 nanobody
6DFX Q30069 human diabetogenic TCR T1D3 in complex with DQ8-p8E9E peptide
6DFX U3PYM0 human diabetogenic TCR T1D3 in complex with DQ8-p8E9E peptide
6DFX 6DFX human diabetogenic TCR T1D3 in complex with DQ8-p8E9E peptide
1Y1E Q8NBK3 human formylglycine generating enzyme
1Y1F 30840149 human formylglycine generating enzyme with cysteine sulfenic acid

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International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025