GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

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GlycoNAVI Proteins
Displaying entries 40701 - 40750 of 41249 in total
PDB ID UniProt ID Title Descriptor ▼
9AXF P41180 Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with chimeric Gq (miniGisq) protein in detergent
9AYF P63096 Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with Gi1 (miniGi1) protein in detergent
9AYF P62873 Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with Gi1 (miniGi1) protein in detergent
9AYF P59768 Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with Gi1 (miniGi1) protein in detergent
9AYF 9AYF Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with Gi1 (miniGi1) protein in detergent
9AYF P41180 Structure of human calcium-sensing receptor in complex with Gi1 (miniGi1) protein in detergent
8WMD P0DTC2 Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 EG.5.1 spike glycoprotein (closed-2 state)
8WMF P0DTC2 Structure of the SARS-CoV-2 EG.5.1 spike glycoprotein (closed-1 state)
8X6B Q92692 Crystal structure of immune receptor PVRIG in complex with ligand Nectin-2
8X6B Q6DKI7 Crystal structure of immune receptor PVRIG in complex with ligand Nectin-2
8XI6 P0DTC2 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BQ.1.1 Variant Spike Protein Complexed with MO11 Fab
8XI6 8XI6 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BQ.1.1 Variant Spike Protein Complexed with MO11 Fab
9AUC P63092 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC P62873 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC O60894 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC P59768 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC 9AUC Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC P06881 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AUC P30988 Human Amylin1 Receptor in Complex with Gs and human Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide
9AYG O95180 Cryo-EM structure of apo state human Cav3.2
9AYH O95180 Cryo-EM structure of human Cav3.2 with TTA-A2
9AYJ O95180 Cryo-EM structure of human Cav3.2 with TTA-P2
9AYK O95180 Cryo-EM structure of human Cav3.2 with ML218
9AYL O95180 Cryo-EM structure of human Cav3.2 with ACT-709478
9BDW Q04207 NF-kappaB RelA homo-dimer bound to GC-centric kappaB DNA
6O8V O59952 The structure of lipase from Thermomyces Lanuginosa in complex with 1,3 diacylglycerol: Rhombohedral crystal form
6O9F O59952 The structure of Thermomyces Lanuginosa lipase in complex with 1,3 diacylglycerol in a monoclinic crystal form
6OSZ O59952 High Resolution Structure of the Monoclinic Form of Thermomyces Lanuginosa Lipase Complexed with Its Catalytic Products
8WG0 A5FBI0 Crystal structure of GH97 glucodextranase from Flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with glucose
8WG1 A5FBI0 Crystal structure of GH97 glucodextranase mutant E509Q from Flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with panose
8WG2 A5FBI0 Crystal structure of GH97 glucodextranase mutant E509Q from Flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with isomaltotriose
8WN8 Q32ZE1 CryoEM structure of ZIKV rsNS1
8WNP 8WNP ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab AA12 and anti-fab nanobody
8WNP Q32ZE1 ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab AA12 and anti-fab nanobody
8WNU 8WNU ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab GB5 and anti-fab nanobody
8WNU Q32ZE1 ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab GB5 and anti-fab nanobody
8WO0 Q32ZE1 CryoEM structure of ZIKV rsNS1 filament
8WO4 8WO4 ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab EB9 and anti-fab nanobody
8WO4 Q32ZE1 ZIKV rsNS1 in complex with Fab EB9 and anti-fab nanobody
8ZCK P0DOX5 Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Structure of Fc Fragment of Human IgG1 from Biosimilar VEGF-Trap
8ZCL P0DOX5 Ambient Temperature Crystal Structure of Fc Fragment of Human IgG1 from Biosimilar VEGF-Trap
8ZCM P0DOX5 Cryogenic Temperature Crystal Structure of Fc Fragment of Human IgG1 from Biosimilar VEGF-Trap
8WCK A0A679BXP6 FCP tetramer in Chaetoceros gracilis
8WCL 8WCL FCP pentamer in Chaetoceros gracilis
8JXR P21728 Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex
8JXR 8JXR Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex
8JXR P0AEX9 Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex
8JXR P38507 Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex
8JXR P06654 Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex
8JXR P0A015 Structure of nanobody-bound DRD1_LSD complex

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GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025