GlycoNAVI Proteins

GlycoNAVI-Proteins is dataset of glycan and protein information. This is the content of GlycoNAVI.

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GlycoNAVI Proteins
Displaying entries 40701 - 40750 of 41249 in total
PDB ID ▲ UniProt ID Title Descriptor
9BRZ Q9R1Q9 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ P51863 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ Q91XE7 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ Q8K3C0 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ P63082 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ Q9CYN9 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BRZ Q62277 V0-only V-ATPase and synaptophysin complex in mouse brain isolated synaptic vesicles
9BS5 A0A1Y4Q1A2 Bacteroides ovatus GH97C Sus
9BSU Q05320 EBOV GP/Nanosota-EB1
9BSU 9BSU EBOV GP/Nanosota-EB1
9BSV Q05320 EBOV GP/Nanosota-EB2 complex
9BSV 9BSV EBOV GP/Nanosota-EB2 complex
9BTG P51168 Human SCNN1B-SCNN1B-SCNN1G ENaC trimer
9BTG P51170 Human SCNN1B-SCNN1B-SCNN1G ENaC trimer
9BTU P51168 Human SCNN1B-SCNN1G ENaC dimers
9BTU P51170 Human SCNN1B-SCNN1G ENaC dimers
9BTU 9BTU Human SCNN1B-SCNN1G ENaC dimers
9BU2 O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 1 mM glycine at pH 6.4 in a desensitized state
9BU3 O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine in a desensitized state
9BU6 9BU6 Vaccine elicited Fab C968.180 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BU6 A0A059T4A1 Vaccine elicited Fab C968.180 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BU6 A0A0B4UV34 Vaccine elicited Fab C968.180 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BU8 A0A059T4A1 Vaccine elicited Fab c115.131 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BU8 A0A0B4UV34 Vaccine elicited Fab c115.131 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BU8 9BU8 Vaccine elicited Fab c115.131 with influenza H10 JD13 HA trimer
9BUM P38435 Structure of r-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX)
9BUR P38435 Structure of GGCX-BGP complex
9BUR P02818 Structure of GGCX-BGP complex
9BUX P38435 Structure of GGCX-BGP-menaquinone-4 epoxide complex
9BUX P02818 Structure of GGCX-BGP-menaquinone-4 epoxide complex
9BVH O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine in an apo state.
9BVJ O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 1 mM glycine in an desensitized state.
9BVK P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor IX propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVK P00740 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor IX propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVL P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor X propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVL P00742 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor X propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVM P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with protein C propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVM P04070 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with protein C propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVO P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase in apo state
9BVP P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with TMG2 propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVP O14669 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with TMG2 propeptide and glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone
9BVQ P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with TMG2 propeptide and glutamate-rich region
9BVQ O14669 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with TMG2 propeptide and glutamate-rich region
9BVR P38435 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor IX propeptide and partially carboxylated glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone and calcium
9BVR P00740 Vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase with factor IX propeptide and partially carboxylated glutamate-rich region and with vitamin K hydroquinone and calcium
9BWB O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine at pH 6.4 in a desensitized state
9BWC O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine at pH 6.4 in an apo state
9BWE O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine at pH 6.4 in an intermediate state
9BWG O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine and 0.1 mM zinc in a desensitized state
9BWJ O75311 Homomeric alpha3 glycine receptor in the presence of 0.1 mM glycine and 0.1 mM zinc in an apo state

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International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025