
GlycoProtDB is a glycoprotein database providing information of Asn (N)-glycosylated proteins and their glycosylated site(s), which were constructed by employing a bottom-up strategy using actual glycopeptide sequences identified by LC/MS-based glycoproteomic technologies.

Source Last Updated
GlycoProtDB October 1, 2021
Displaying entries 11751 - 11775 of 15315 in total
GlycoProtDB ID Protein Name UniProt ID Gene Symbol GlyTouCan IDs ▼
GPDB0008781 BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor homolog A8K3M4
GPDB0014819 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) C8CJB0 HLA-B
GPDB0000746 Transmembrane matrix receptor MUP-4 Q21281 mup-4
GPDB0013684 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) A0A2U7NMZ9 HLA-B
GPDB0001636 Glycoprotein m6b, isoform CRA_g A2AEG6 Gpm6b
GPDB0013207 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) A0A1L2BMC9 HLA-C
GPDB0005470 Pot. pancreatic alpha-amylase isozyme (Fragment) Q61298
GPDB0008682 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) A0A1C8DUW3 HLA-C
GPDB0006323 Putative uncharacterized protein Q8BPA0 H2-Ab1
GPDB0015621 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) Q0ZAW9 HLA-Cw
GPDB0002843 Protein Adamtsl3 G3UWL5 Adamtsl3
GPDB0008545 Testicular tissue protein Li 96 A0A140VJM0
GPDB0005871 PKHD1 Q6T3A5 Pkhd1
GPDB0000091 Synaptogenesis protein syg-1 B1Q236 syg-1
GPDB0009337 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) C5IZX4 HLA-C
GPDB0001609 Phospholipid transfer protein (Fragment) A2A5K4 Pltp
GPDB0014771 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) C0L073 HLA-B
GPDB0005765 Isoform 3 of Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 1 Q6NZL8-3 Scube1
GPDB0005802 Agrn protein (Fragment) Q6PCM6 Agrn
GPDB0005601 Integrin alpha-2 Q62469 Itga2
GPDB0012168 Cathepsin X Q5U000
GPDB0006927 Isoform 2 of Sodium- and chloride-dependent creatine transporter 1 Q8VBW1-2 Slc6a8
GPDB0005030 Integrin alpha-D Q3V0T4 Itgad
GPDB0003093 Eosinophil cationic-type ribonuclease 3 O35290 Ear3
GPDB0010272 MHC class I antigen (Fragment) F6KRW3 HLA-C

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International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025