Transcriptional regulation of brown and beige adipocyte differentiation by EBF2

Homo sapiens
Click on a node on the pathway to see its details. Glycoproteins are marked with a glycoprotein icon in their name.
EBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, PPARGC1A gene)EBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:Activated PPARG:RXRA:PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, PPARGC1A gene)Brown,beige adipocyte-specific coactivators of PPARG:RXRARXRA natural ligandsPPARG:RXRAPPARG natural ligandsPRDM16 geneMEL1DIO2 geneDIO2Blnc1 lncRNAEBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPUSAF-AEBF2PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, COX7A1 gene, DIO2 gene, ELOVL3 gene, PPARGC1A gene)EBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, COX7A1 gene, DIO2 gene, ELOVL3 gene, PPARGC1A gene)EBF2,EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPUEBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU: PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, DIO2 gene, ELOVL3 gene)ZNF423:EBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:PPARA gene, PRDM16 gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, DIO2 gene, ELOVL3 gene)OAZZNF423:EBF2, EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:PPARA gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, DIO2 gene)NuRD:ZNF423:EBF2,EBF2:Blnc1 lncRNA:HNRNPU:PPARA gene, UCP1 gene, (CIDEA gene, DIO2 gene)NuRD complexZNF423:p-2S-SMAD1:p-2S-SMAD1:SMAD4p-2S-SMAD1:p-2S-SMAD1:SMAD4PPARA genePPARAUCP1 geneUCP1CIDEA geneCIDEACOX7A1 geneCOX7A1PPARGC1A genePGC1AELOVL3 geneELOVL3
ProteinProtein familyDNARNAComplexChemical/MoleculePhenotype/StimulusNucleusMitochondriaEndosomeGolgi apparatusLysosomeMembraneUp-regulatesDown-regulatesPhysical interactionUnknownDirectIndirectBindingHighlight
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Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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Last updated: February 17, 2025