diabetic retinopathy

  • Retinal abnormality - diabetes-related
Super Class
retinal vascular disease
Disease Ontology
Mondo Disease Ontology
NCI Thesaurus
MGI genotype (from TogoID)
WikiPathways (from TogoID)
Related Genes
Displaying entries 91 - 100 of 105 in total
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
7515 XRCC1 X-ray repair cross complementing 1
8639 AOC3 amine oxidase copper containing 3
9076 CLDN1 claudin 1
9353 SLIT2 slit guidance ligand 2
9370 ADIPOQ adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing
9559 VPS26A VPS26 retromer complex component A
9817 KEAP1 kelch like ECH associated protein 1
10469 TIMM44 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 44
10891 PPARGC1A PPARG coactivator 1 alpha
23028 KDM1A lysine demethylase 1A
Displaying entries 31 - 40 of 91 in total
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
14962 Cfb complement factor B
14964 H2-D1 histocompatibility 2, D region locus 1
14969 H2-Eb1 histocompatibility 2, class II antigen E beta
14972 H2-K1 histocompatibility 2, K1, K region
14990 H2-M2 histocompatibility 2, M region locus 2
15006 H2-Q1 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 1
15007 H2-Q10 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 10
15013 H2-Q2 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 2
15015 H2-Q4 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 4
15018 H2-Q7 histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 7
Displaying entries 1 - 10 of 54 in total
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
24179 Agt angiotensinogen
24185 Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1
24192 Akr1b1 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B1
24225 Bdnf brain-derived neurotrophic factor
24310 Ace angiotensin I converting enzyme
24335 Epo erythropoietin
24375 Fuca1 alpha-L-fucosidase 1
24383 Gapdh glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
24446 Hgf hepatocyte growth factor
24493 Il1a interleukin 1 alpha
Displaying entries 1 - 10 of 20 in total
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
32545 Gapdh2 Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase 2
34091 Spn28Dc Serpin 28Dc
34189 Acer Angiotensin-converting enzyme-related
34805 Ance Angiotensin converting enzyme
34808 Ance-3 Ance-3
35728 Gapdh1 Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase 1
36232 Sod3 Superoxide dismutase 3
36411 sca scabrous
36692 scb scab
36693 ItgaPS4 Integrin alphaPS4 subunit
Displaying all 8 entries
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
30262 ins preproinsulin
30682 vegfaa vascular endothelial growth factor Aa
58133 ngfb nerve growth factor b (beta polypeptide)
317743 gapdh glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
447803 pon1 paraoxonase 1
492331 ace2 angiotensin I converting enzyme 2
565980 ace angiotensin I converting enzyme (peptidyl-dipeptidase A) 1
100004455 epoa erythropoietin a
Displaying all 7 entries
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source Organism
378695 ins.L insulin L homeolog Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
378696 ins.S insulin S homeolog Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
448598 pon2 paraoxonase 2 Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)
100037182 ace2.S angiotensin converting enzyme 2 S homeolog Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
100144634 ace angiotensin I converting enzyme Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)
108707435 ace2.L angiotensin converting enzyme 2 L homeolog Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
108709389 ngf.S nerve growth factor S homeolog Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
Displaying entries 1 - 10 of 22 in total
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
171619 C53D5.5 Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 1
171999 poml-2 Arylesterase
173042 spe-9 Sperm transmembrane protein 9
174462 let-23 Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase let-23;receptor protein-tyrosine kinase
174578 gpd-4 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 4
174603 gpd-1 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1
175182 ver-1 Protein ver-1
175410 daf-2 Insulin-like receptor subunit beta;Protein kinase domain-containing protein;receptor protein-tyrosine kinase
175504 pat-3 Integrin beta pat-3
177343 skn-1 BZIP domain-containing protein;Protein skinhead-1
Displaying all 7 entries
Gene ID Gene Symbol Description Source
851006 ECM38 gamma-glutamyltransferase
851974 YPR1 trifunctional aldehyde reductase/carbonyl reductase (NADPH)/glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) YPR1
853106 TDH3 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) TDH3
853395 TDH1 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) TDH1
853465 TDH2 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) TDH2
854287 GCY1 glycerol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) GCY1
855009 GLO1 lactoylglutathione lyase GLO1

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GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025