Intra-Golgi traffic
- Akp3
- Alpi
- Alpp
- Arf1
- Bet1l
- Cog1
- Cog2
- Cog3
- Cog4
- Cog5
- Cog6
- Cog7
- Cyth1
- Cyth2
- Cyth3
- Cyth4
- Erg1
- Gosr1
- Gosr2
- Gs15
- Gs27
- Gs28
- Napa
- Napb
- Napg
- Nsf
- Pscd1
- Pscd2
- Pscd3
- RGD1310016
- Rab30
- Rab33b
- Rab36
- Rab39a
- Rgp1
- Ric1
- Sec7a
- Sec7b
- Sec7c
- Snap
- Snap29
- Snapa
- Snapb
- Stx16
- Stx5
- Stx5a
- Stx6
- Trip11
- Vps45
- Vps45a
- Vti1a
- Vti1l2
- Ykt6
NPAS4 regulates expression of target genes
- Arnt
- Arnt2
- Arntl
- Bmal1
- Maged1
- Npas4
- Nrage
- Nxf
- Tic
Aromatic amines can be N-hydroxylated or N-dealkylated by CYP1A2
Synthesis of active ubiquitin: roles of E1 and E2 enzymes
- AABR07041109.1
- Cdc34
- Fam105b
- Hausp
- LOC100360645
- LOC100362554
- LOC100366017
- LOC64038
- NEWGENE_1308361
- Otulin
- Rad6b
- Rps27a
- Uba1
- Uba6
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubc4
- Ubc7
- Ubcep1
- Ubch4
- Ubch5b
- Ubcl1
- Ube1
- Ube2a
- Ube2b
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2d2
- Ube2e1
- Ube2e3
- Ube2g
- Ube2g1
- Ube2g2
- Ube2h
- Ube2k
- Ube2l3
- Ube2q2
- Ube2r2
- Ube2s
- Ube2t
- Ube2w
- Ube2z
- Uchl3
- Usp5
- Usp7
Interleukin-2 signaling
- Fak2
- Il-2
- Il2
- Il2ra
- Il2rb
- Jak1
- Jak3
- Lck
- Mgf
- Ptk2b
- Pyk2
- Shc1
- Stat5a
- Stat5b
- Syk
Cyclin A:Cdk2-associated events at S phase entry
- Akt1
- Akt2
- Akt3
- Cables1
- Cak
- Cak1
- Ccna1
- Ccna2
- Ccnh
- Cdc25a
- Cdc25b
- Cdk2
- Cdk7
- Cdkn1a
- Cdkn1b
- Cdkn2
- Fzr1
- Mnat1
- Mo15
- Rb-1
- Rb1
- Wee1
- p27Kip1
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling
- Grp94
- Hsp90b1
- Hspc4
- Il-13
- Il-4
- Il13
- Il13ra1
- Il13ra1-ps1
- Il13ra2
- Il4
- Il4r
- Il4ra
- Jak1
- Jak2
- Jak3
- LOC100360218
- Socs1
- Socs5
- Stat1
- Stat3
- Stat4
- Stat6
- Tra1
- Tyk2
Class I peroxisomal membrane protein import
- Abcd1
- Abcd2
- Abcd3
- Acbd5
- Aldh3a2
- Aldh4
- Aldr
- Aldrp
- Atad1
- Fis1
- Gdap1
- Npg6
- Paf1
- Paf3
- Pex11b
- Pex12
- Pex14
- Pex16
- Pex19
- Pex2
- Pex3
- Pmp22
- Pmp24
- Pmp35
- Pmp70
- Pxf
- Pxmp1
- Pxmp2
- Pxmp3
- Pxmp4
- Ttc11
GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling
- Ash
- Btc
- Dtr
- Erbb2
- Ereg
- Grb2
- Hbegf
- Hegfl
- Hras
- Hras1
- Kras
- Kras2
- Ndf
- Neu
- Nras
- Nrg1
- Nrg2
- Nrg3
- Ntak
- Sos1
Interleukin-15 signaling
- Ash
- Grb2
- Il15
- Il15ra
- Il2rb
- Jak1
- Jak3
- Mgf
- Shc1
- Sos1
- Sos2
- Stat3
- Stat5a
- Stat5b
TFAP2 (AP-2) family regulates transcription of growth factors and their receptors
- Atad2
- Cga
- Cga1
- Esr
- Esr1
- Estr
- Lhb
- Nr3a1
Dopamine Neurotransmitter Release Cycle
- Apba1
- Bzrap1
- Cask
- Cplx1
- Lin7a
- Lin7b
- Lin7c
- Mals1
- Mals2
- Mals3
- Mint1
- Ppfia1
- Ppfia2
- Ppfia3
- Ppfia4
- Rab3a
- Rbp1
- Rim1
- Rims1
- Sap
- Slc18a2
- Snap
- Snap25
- Stx1a
- Stxbp1
- Svat
- Syb2
- Syn1
- Syn2
- Syn3
- Syt1
- Tspoap1
- Unc13b
- Unc13h2
- Unc18a
- Vamp2
- Veli1
- Veli1a
- Veli2
- Veli3
- Vmat2
- X11
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Association with Co-factors
- Akt1
- Akt2
- Akt3
- Brn-3
- Brn3
- Brn3a
- Brn3b
- Ket
- P53
- P63
- Phf20
- Pou4f1
- Pou4f2
- Ppp1r13b
- Ppp1r13l
- Tp53
- Tp53bp2
- Tp63
- Tp73
- Tp73l
- Trp63
- Zfp385a
Glutathione synthesis and recycling
- Botch
- Chac1
- Chac2
- Cndp2
- Gclc
- Gclm
- Ggct
- Ggt
- Ggt1
- Ggt5
- Ggt6
- Ggt7
- Ggtl3
- Ggtla1
- Glclc
- Glclr
- Gss
- Npg7
- Oplah
Hedgehog ligand biogenesis
- Derl2
- Dhh
- Erlec1
- Hhat
- Ihh
- LOC100360645
- LOC100360846
- LOC100365869
- LOC100910831
- Lmp10
- Lmp2
- Mecl1
- Mss1
- Os9
- P4hb
- Pdia1
- Psma1
- Psma2
- Psma3
- Psma4
- Psma5
- Psma6
- Psma7
- Psma8
- Psmb1
- Psmb10
- Psmb2
- Psmb3
- Psmb4
- Psmb5
- Psmb6
- Psmb6l
- Psmb6l1
- Psmb7
- Psmb8
- Psmb9
- Psmc1
- Psmc2
- Psmc3
- Psmc4
- Psmc5
- Psmc6
- Psmd1
- Psmd10
- Psmd11
- Psmd12
- Psmd13
- Psmd14
- Psmd2
- Psmd3
- Psmd5
- Psmd6
- Psmd7
- Psmd8
- Psmd9
- Psme1
- Psme2
- Psme4
- Psmf1
- Ring12
- Rps27a
- Sel1h
- Sel1l
- Shh
- Sug1
- Syvn1
- Tbp1
- Tbp7
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Vcp
- Vhh-1
TAK1-dependent IKK and NF-kappa-B activation
- A4
- AD1
- Ager
- App
- Chuk
- Hmg-1
- Hmg1
- Hmgb1
- Hmgb1-ps33
- Hmgb1-ps4
- Hmgb1l1
- Hmgb1l2
- Hmgb1l3
- Hmgb1l5
- Ikba
- Ikbb
- Ikbkb
- Ikbkg
- Ikkb
- LOC108349189
- LOC108350839
- Nemo
- Nfkb2
- Nfkbia
- Nfkbib
- Nkiras1
- Nkiras2
- Rage
- Rela
- S100b
Thromboxane signalling through TP receptor
- Aamp
- Gna11
- Gna13
- Gna14
- Gna15
- Gnaq
- Gnb1
- Gnb2
- Gnb3
- Gnb4
- Gnb5
- Gng10-ps1
- Gng11
- Gng12
- Gng3
- Gng4
- Gng5
- Gng5-ps4
- Gng7
- Gng8
- Gng9
- Gngt1
- Gngt11
- Gngt5
- Gngt7
- Gngt9
- Tbxa2r
Spry regulation of FGF signaling
- Ash
- Braf
- Cbl
- Erk1
- Erk2
- Grb2
- LOC100360645
- Mapk
- Mapk1
- Mapk3
- Mknk1
- Mnk1
- Ppp2ca
- Ppp2cb
- Ppp2r1a
- Prkm1
- Prkm3
- Ptpn11
- Rps27a
- Spry2
- Src
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
SUMOylation of chromatin organization proteins
- Aaas
- Cbx2
- Cbx4
- Cbx8
- Gp210
- H4c16
- H4c2
- H4f16
- H4ft
- Hdac1
- Hdac2
- Hdac4
- Hist1h4b
- Hist1h4m
- Hist4
- Hist4h4
- L3mbtl2
- LOC683983
- Miz1
- Mrnp41
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Pcnt1
- Phc1
- Phc2
- Phc3
- Pias1
- Pias2
- Piasx
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Ring1
- Ring1b
- Rnf1
- Rnf2
- Satb1
- Satb2
- Scml2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Smt3a
- Smt3h2
- Sumo1
- Sumo2
- Sumo3
- Suz12
- Tmem48
- Tpr
- Ubce9
- Ube2i
Sensory perception of salty taste
- Renac
- Scnn1a
- Scnn1b
- Scnn1g
Lysosphingolipid and LPA receptors
- Edg1
- Edg2
- Edg5
- Edg7
- Edg8
- Gpcr91
- Lpa1
- Lpa3
- Lpar1
- Lpar2
- Lpar3
- Lpar5
- Lppr1
- Lppr2
- Lppr3
- Lppr4
- Nrg1
- Php1
- Plppr1
- Plppr2
- Plppr3
- Plppr4
- Plppr5
- Prg1
- Prg2
- Prg3
- Prg4
- S1pr1
- S1pr2
- S1pr3
- S1pr4
- S1pr5
Rhesus glycoproteins mediate ammonium transport.
SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer regulates transcription
- AABR07035338.1
- Ccnc
- Ccnk
- Ccnt1
- Ccnt2
- Cdk8
- Cdk9
- E2f4
- E2f5
- Erk1
- Erk2
- Fur
- Furin
- LOC100360645
- MGC112830
- Madh2
- Madh3
- Madh4
- Madh7
- Mapk
- Mapk1
- Mapk3
- Men1
- Pcsk3
- Prkm1
- Prkm3
- Rbl1
- Rnf111
- Rps27a
- Smad2
- Smad3
- Smad4
- Smad7
- Sp1
- Tfdp1
- Tfdp2
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Wwtr1
Generation of second messenger molecules
- 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-1
- 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase gamma-2
- CD101 molecule
- Cytoplasmic protein
- FYN-binding protein 1
- GRB2-related adaptor protein 2
- Histocompatibility 2, class II antigen E alpha
- Ig-like domain-containing protein
- Ig-like domain-containing protein
- Ig-like domain-containing protein
- Ig-like domain-containing protein
- Linker for activation of T-cells family member 1
- Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2
- MHC class II beta chain
- Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase LCK
- RT1 class II, H alpha
- RT1 class II, locus Hb, pseudogene 1
- Rano class II histocompatibility antigen, B alpha chain
- Rano class II histocompatibility antigen, B-1 beta chain
- Rano class II histocompatibility antigen, D-1 beta chain
- Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 1
- Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2
- Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 3
- T cell receptor beta, variable 16
- T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 delta chain
- T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain
- T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 gamma chain
- T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain
- T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4
- Tyrosine-protein kinase
- Tyrosine-protein kinase
- AABR07044416.1
- Arrb2-ps
- Cd101
- Cd247
- Cd3d
- Cd3e
- Cd3g
- Cd4
- DA1
- Db2
- ENSRNOG00000065769
- ENSRNOG00000065908
- ENSRNOG00000065955
- ENSRNOG00000070909
- Fyb
- Fyb1
- Grap2
- H2-Ea
- Hla-dma
- Hla-dmb
- Itk
- LOC100911800
- Lat
- Lck
- Lcp2
- Nck1
- Pak1
- Pak2
- Pak3
- Plcg1
- Plcg2
- Psmb9
- RT1-Ba
- RT1-Bb
- RT1-DOb
- RT1-Da
- RT1-Db1
- RT1-Db2
- RT1-Ha
- RT1-Hb-ps1
- T3d
- Tap1
- Tap2
- Tesb
- Trbv16
- Zap70
Trafficking and processing of endosomal TLR
- Cnpy3
- Cts7l2
- Ctsb
- Ctsk
- Ctsl
- Ctsl1
- Ctsll3
- Ctss
- Grp94
- Hsp90b1
- Hspc4
- Lgmn
- Prsc1
- RGD1308751
- Tlr7
- Tlr8
- Tlr9
- Tra1
- Unc93b1