HDL clearance
- Amn
- Apoa1
- Cubn
- Hbp
- Hdlbp
- Ifcr
- Scarb1
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
VLDL clearance
- Apob
- Apobr
- Apoc1
- Apoc4
- Ecl
- Vldlr
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
VLDL assembly
- Apob
- Apoc1
- Apoc4
- Ecl
- Mtp
- Mttp
- P4hb
- Pdia1
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Chylomicron clearance
- Apob
- Apoe
- Arh
- Ldlr
- Ldlrap1
- Lipc
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall
- 2b4
- AABR07008876.1
- AABR07018323.1
- AABR07034730.2
- AABR07060971.1
- AABR07061001.1
- AABR07065782.1
- AABR07065808.1
- AABR07065812.2
- AABR07065813.1
- Apob
- Bcm-1
- Bit
- Car
- Cd177
- Cd244
- Cd44
- Cd47
- Cd48
- Cd74
- Cd84
- Ceacam1
- Ceacam6
- Cgm4
- Cxadr
- Cxcl4
- ENSRNOG00000062324
- ENSRNOG00000062682
- ENSRNOG00000062762
- ENSRNOG00000062853
- ENSRNOG00000062915
- ENSRNOG00000062976
- ENSRNOG00000063148
- ENSRNOG00000063329
- ENSRNOG00000063340
- ENSRNOG00000063341
- ENSRNOG00000063422
- ENSRNOG00000063550
- ENSRNOG00000063572
- ENSRNOG00000063707
- ENSRNOG00000063791
- ENSRNOG00000064041
- ENSRNOG00000064061
- ENSRNOG00000064085
- ENSRNOG00000064245
- ENSRNOG00000064481
- ENSRNOG00000064582
- ENSRNOG00000065160
- ENSRNOG00000065181
- ENSRNOG00000065191
- ENSRNOG00000065237
- ENSRNOG00000065406
- ENSRNOG00000065564
- ENSRNOG00000065629
- ENSRNOG00000065670
- ENSRNOG00000065675
- ENSRNOG00000065690
- ENSRNOG00000065855
- ENSRNOG00000066010
- ENSRNOG00000066072
- ENSRNOG00000066203
- ENSRNOG00000066380
- ENSRNOG00000066406
- ENSRNOG00000066431
- ENSRNOG00000066785
- ENSRNOG00000066812
- ENSRNOG00000066814
- ENSRNOG00000066904
- ENSRNOG00000066922
- ENSRNOG00000066926
- ENSRNOG00000066971
- ENSRNOG00000067010
- ENSRNOG00000067025
- ENSRNOG00000067233
- ENSRNOG00000067273
- ENSRNOG00000067516
- ENSRNOG00000067603
- ENSRNOG00000067643
- ENSRNOG00000067679
- ENSRNOG00000067883
- ENSRNOG00000068055
- ENSRNOG00000068059
- ENSRNOG00000068381
- ENSRNOG00000068499
- ENSRNOG00000068847
- ENSRNOG00000069193
- ENSRNOG00000069427
- ENSRNOG00000069491
- ENSRNOG00000069766
- ENSRNOG00000069828
- ENSRNOG00000069901
- ENSRNOG00000069940
- ENSRNOG00000070091
- ENSRNOG00000070192
- ENSRNOG00000070244
- ENSRNOG00000070247
- ENSRNOG00000070810
- ENSRNOG00000070812
- ENSRNOG00000070816
- ENSRNOG00000070832
- ENSRNOG00000070933
- ENSRNOG00000071049
- ENSRNOG00000071091
- Elam-1
- Epcam
- Esam
- Esl1
- F11r
- F2
- Fcamr
- Fce1g
- Fcer1g
- Fn1
- Fyn
- Gas6
- Glg1
- Gp6
- Gpc1
- Hspg1
- Igkv2-112l1
- Igkvl-ps6
- Igkvl10
- Igkvl12
- Igkvl13
- Igkvl2
- Igkvl6
- Iglc1
- Igll1
- Itga4
- Itga5
- Itgal
- Itgax
- Itgb1
- Itgb2
- Jam1
- Jam2
- Jam3
- Jaml
- Jchain
- LOC100363522
- LOC100365500
- LOC100909964
- LOC100911032
- LOC102551948
- LOC292666
- Lnhr
- Lox1
- Ly-22
- Lyn
- Mer
- Mertk
- Mfr
- Mg160
- Mif
- Nmrk
- Oldlr1
- Olr1
- Pecam
- Pecam1
- Pf4
- Proc
- Procr
- Pros
- Pros1
- Psg29
- Psgb1
- Ptpns1
- RGD1561722
- RGD1564696
- Scyb4
- Sdc1
- Sdc2
- Sdc3
- Sdc4
- Sele
- Sell
- Selp
- Selplg
- Shps1
- Sirp
- Sirpa
- Sirpal1
- Sirpb2
- Sirpd
- Spn
- Synd1
- Synd2
- Synd3
- Synd4
- Tacstd1
- Tgfb1
- Thbd
- Tnfrsf10b
- Trem1
- Vpreb1a
- Vpreb1b
- Vpreb3
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Platelet sensitization by LDL
- Apob
- Cpla2
- Csbp1
- Csbp2
- Fgr
- LOC100909468
- Lrp8
- Mapk14
- Pecam
- Pecam1
- Pla2g4
- Pla2g4a
- Ppp2ca
- Ppp2cb
- Ppp2r1a
- Ppp2r1b
- Ppp2r5a
- Ppp2r5b
- Ppp2r5c
- Ppp2r5d
- Ppp2r5e
- Ptph6
- Ptpn11
- Ptpn6
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Regulation of TLR by endogenous ligand
- Apob
- Cd14
- Cd36
- Fat
- Fga
- Fgb
- Fgg
- Gsdmd
- Gsdme
- Hmg-1
- Hmg1
- Hmgb1
- Hmgb1-ps33
- Hmgb1-ps4
- Hmgb1l1
- Hmgb1l2
- Hmgb1l5
- LOC108349189
- LOC134483981
- Lbp
- Ly96
- Mrp14
- Mrp8
- S100a1
- S100a8
- S100a9
- Tlr1
- Tlr2
- Tlr4
- Tlr6
- Tlr7
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Scavenging by Class H Receptors
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Transport of fatty acids
- Apod
- Fatp
- Fatp1
- Lcn12
- Lcn9
- Slc27a1
- Slc27a4
- Slc27a6
- Vegp
- Vegp1
- Vegp2
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
- AC128290.1
- Bak1
- Bax
- Casp1
- Casp3
- Chmp2a
- Chmp2b
- Chmp3
- Chmp4b
- Chmp4c
- Chmp6
- Chmp7
- Cpp32
- Cycs
- Cycsl2
- Cycsl3
- Elane
- Gsdmd
- Gsdme
- Gzmb
- Hmg-1
- Hmg1
- Hmgb1
- Hmgb1-ps33
- Hmgb1-ps4
- Hmgb1l1
- Hmgb1l2
- Hmgb1l5
- Igif
- Il18
- Il1a
- Il1b
- Il1bc
- Il1bce
- LOC108349189
- LOC134483981
- LOC690675
- RGD1562558
- Vps24
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Synthesis, secretion, and deacylation of Ghrelin
- Bche
- Bdp
- Gcg
- Gh
- Gh1
- Ghrl
- Goat
- Igf-1
- Igf1
- Ins-1
- Ins1
- Lep
- Mboat4
- Nec-1
- Nec1
- Ob
- Pcsk1
- Sec11a
- Sec11c
- Sec11l1
- Sec11l3
- Spc18
- Spc21
- Spcs1
- Spcs2
- Spcs3
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Passive transport by Aquaporins
- Aqp1
- Aqp10
- Aqp11
- Aqp12a
- Aqp2
- Aqp3
- Aqp4
- Aqp5
- Aqp7
- Aqp8
- Aqp9
- Chip28
- LOC686596
- Mip
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins
- Aqp1
- Aqp2
- Aqp3
- Aqp4
- Avp
- Avpr2
- Chip28
- Gnas
- Gnas1
- Gnb1
- Gnb2
- Gnb3
- Gnb4
- Gnb5
- Gng10-ps1
- Gng11
- Gng12
- Gng3
- Gng4
- Gng5
- Gng5-ps4
- Gng7
- Gng8
- Gng9
- Gngt1
- Gngt11
- Gngt5
- Gngt7
- Gngt9
- Myo5b
- Pkacb
- Prkaca
- Prkacb
- Prkar1a
- Prkar1b
- Prkar2a
- Prkar2b
- Rab11
- Rab11a
- Rab11fip2
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX)
- Abcc1
- Alox12l
- Alox15
- Alox5
- Alox5ap
- Cyp4a-1
- Cyp4a-2
- Cyp4a-3
- Cyp4a-8
- Cyp4a1
- Cyp4a10
- Cyp4a11
- Cyp4a12
- Cyp4a14
- Cyp4a2
- Cyp4a3
- Cyp4a8
- Cyp4b-1
- Cyp4b1
- Cyp4f-1
- Cyp4f1
- Cyp4f18
- Cyp4f2
- Cyp4f3
- Cyp4f4
- Cyp4f40
- Dpep1
- Dpep2
- Flap
- Ggt
- Ggt1
- Ggt5
- Ggtla1
- Lta4h
- Ltc4s
- Mapkapk2
- Mrp1
- Rdp
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids
- Alox5
- Alox5ap
- Flap
- Ltc4s
- Pon
- Pon1
- Pon2
- Pon3
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
PTK6 Regulates RTKs and Their Effectors AKT1 and DOK1
- Akt1
- Arap1
- Cbl
- Dok1
- LOC100360645
- Ptk6
- Rps27a
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Urea cycle
- Arg1
- Arg2
- Asl
- Cps1
- Nags
- Otc
- Slc25a15
- Slc25a2
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Regulation of pyruvate metabolism
- Armc8
- Gid4
- Gid8
- LOC100360645
- LOC100362738
- Ldh-1
- Ldh1
- Ldha
- Maea
- Me1
- Mkln1
- Mod-1
- Mod1
- Msk
- Nek1
- Pgam5
- Pkml1
- Ranbp9
- Rmnd5a
- Rmnd5b
- Rps27a
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Wdr26
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Catecholamine biosynthesis
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
RNA polymerase II transcribes snRNA genes
- Arsenite-resistance protein 2
- Ccnk protein
- Cyclin T2
- Cyclin-T1
- Cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Fragment)
- Cyclin-dependent kinase 9
- DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB7
- DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta
- DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit
- DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC1
- DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC2
- DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC3
- DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC5
- Elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 2
- Elongation factor for RNA polymerase II
- General transcription factor IIE subunit 1
- General transcription factor IIF subunit 1
- General transcription factor IIF subunit 2
- Integrator complex subunit 10
- Integrator complex subunit 11
- Integrator complex subunit 12
- Integrator complex subunit 13
- Integrator complex subunit 14
- Integrator complex subunit 1
- Integrator complex subunit 2
- Integrator complex subunit 3
- Integrator complex subunit 4
- Integrator complex subunit 5
- Integrator complex subunit 6
- Integrator complex subunit 7
- Integrator complex subunit 8
- Integrator complex subunit 9
- Interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 1
- Interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 2
- Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 1
- Nuclear cap-binding protein subunit 2
- PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit
- POU domain protein
- POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 1 (Fragment)
- Phosphorylated adapter RNA export protein
- RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL3
- RNA polymerase II subunit A C-terminal domain phosphatase SSU72
- RNA polymerase II subunit B1 CTD phosphatase Rpap2
- RNA polymerase II subunit C
- RNA polymerase II subunit D
- RNA polymerase II subunit I
- RNA polymerase II subunit J
- Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 2
- Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein
- Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein
- SOSS complex subunit B1
- SOSS complex subunit B2
- Small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 1
- Small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 4
- TATA-box binding protein associated factor 13
- TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5
- TATA-box-binding protein
- Transcription elongation factor SPT4
- Transcription elongation factor SPT5
- Transcription factor Sp1
- Transcription initiation factor IIA subunit 1
- Transcription initiation factor IIA subunit 2
- Transcription initiation factor IIB
- Transcription initiation factor IIE subunit beta
- Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 11
- Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 6
- Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 8
- Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 9
- Zinc finger CCCH type containing 8
- snRNA-activating protein complex subunit 2
- snRNA-activating protein complex subunit 3
- AABR07064983.1
- AC109542.1
- Cak
- Cak1
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Ccnk
- Ccnt1
- Ccnt2
- Cdk7
- Cdk9
- Cpsf3l
- Ell
- Ell2
- Ell3
- Gtf2a1
- Gtf2a2
- Gtf2b
- Gtf2e1
- Gtf2e2
- Gtf2f1
- Gtf2f2
- Ice1
- Ice2
- Ints1
- Ints10
- Ints11
- Ints12
- Ints13
- Ints14
- Ints2
- Ints3
- Ints4
- Ints5
- Ints6
- Ints7
- Ints8
- Ints9
- LOC120098305
- Mo15
- Nabp1
- Nabp2
- Narg2
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Obfc2a
- Obfc2b
- Oct-1
- Otf-1
- Otf1
- Pcf11
- Phax
- Phf22
- Polr2a
- Polr2b
- Polr2c
- Polr2d
- Polr2e
- Polr2f
- Polr2g
- Polr2i
- Polr2j
- Pou2f1
- Pou2f2
- RGD1562299
- Rap30
- Rnuxa
- Rpap2
- Rprd1a
- Rprd1b
- Rprd2
- Snapc1
- Snapc2
- Snapc3
- Snapc4
- Sp1
- Srrt
- Ssb1
- Ssb2
- Ssu72
- Supt4h1
- Supt5h
- Taf11
- Taf13
- Taf2e
- Taf2g
- Taf5
- Taf6
- Taf8l1
- Taf9
- Tafii31
- Tbp
- Vwa9
- Zc3h8
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
- Ahr
- Ahrr
- Arnt
- Arnt2
- Cyp1a-1
- Cyp1a1
- Cyp2a-1
- Cyp2a-2
- Cyp2a-3
- Cyp2a1
- Cyp2a2
- Cyp2a3
- Cyp2a3a
- Cyp2b21
- Cyp2c-6
- Cyp2c6
- Cyp2c66
- Cyp2d-18
- Cyp2d-4
- Cyp2d18
- Cyp2d4
- Cyp2e
- Cyp2e-1
- Cyp2e1
- Cyp2f2
- Cyp2f4
- Cyp2j16
- Cyp2j3
- Cyp2j9
- Cyp2s1
- Cyp2w1
- Cyp3a-1
- Cyp3a-2
- Cyp3a1
- Cyp3a11
- Cyp3a13
- Cyp3a18
- Cyp3a2
- Cyp3a62
- Cyp3a9
- LOC100912265
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
The activation of arylsulfatases
- AABR07013255.1
- Arsa
- Arsb
- Arse
- Arsg
- Arsi
- Arsj
- Arsk
- Arsl
- Sts
- Sumf1
- Sumf2
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Asparagine N-linked glycosylation
- Asgr-1
- Asgr-2
- Asgr1
- Asgr2
- B4galnt2
- Umod
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Malate-aspartate shuttle
- Gc1
- Got1
- Got2
- Maat
- Mdh
- Mdh1
- Mdh2
- Mor1
- Slc20a4
- Slc25a11
- Slc25a12
- Slc25a13
- Slc25a18
- Slc25a22
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Glutamate and glutamine metabolism
- Aldh18a1
- Ccbl1
- Ga
- Glns
- Gls
- Gls2
- Glud
- Glud1
- Glul
- Got2
- Kat
- Kyat1
- Maat
- Oat
- Pycr1
- Pycr2
- Pycr3
- Pycrl
- Rimkla
- Rimklb
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)