MET activates RAP1 and RAC1
- Ash
- Crk
- Crkl
- Crko
- Dock7
- Gab1
- Grb2
- Hgf
- Krev1
- Met
- Rac
- Rac1
- Rap1a
- Rap1b
- Rapgef1
HS-GAG biosynthesis
- 3ost
- 3ost1
- 3ost2
- Agrin
- Agrn
- Ext1
- Ext2
- Gpc1
- Gpc2
- Gpc3
- Gpc4
- Gpc5
- Gpc6
- Hs2st1
- Hs3st1
- Hs3st2
- Hs3st3a1
- Hs3st3b1
- Hs3st4
- Hs3st5
- Hs3st6
- Hs6st1
- Hs6st2
- Hs6st3
- Hspg1
- Hsst
- Hsst1
- Ndst1
- Ndst2
- Ndst3
- Ndst4
- Sdc1
- Sdc2
- Sdc3
- Sdc4
- Slc35d2
- Synd1
- Synd2
- Synd3
- Synd4
Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
- Dagk
- Dagk1
- Dagk2
- Dagk3
- Dagk6
- Dgka
- Dgkb
- Dgkd
- Dgke
- Dgkg
- Dgkh
- Dgki
- Dgkk
- Dgkq
- Dgkz
- Insp3r
- Itpr1
- Itpr2
- Itpr3
- Pkcd
- Pkce
- Pkch
- Pkcq
- Prkcd
- Prkce
- Prkch
- Prkcq
- Trpc3
- Trpc7
- Trrp3
Nephrin family interactions
- Fyn
- Iqgap1
- Kirrel
- Kirrel1
- Kirrel2
- Kirrel3
- Nck1
- Nck2
- Neph1
- Nphn
- Nphs1
Repression of WNT target genes
- Bars
- Ctbp1
- Ctbp2
- Ctbp3
- Esp2
- Esp3
- Grg4
- Lef1
- Tcf7
- Tcf7l1
- Tcf7l2
- Tle1
- Tle2
- Tle3
- Tle4
LDL clearance
- Aadacl1
- Acact
- Acat
- Acat2
- Adtab
- Ap17
- Ap2a1
- Ap2a2
- Ap2b1
- Ap2m1
- Ap2s1
- Apob
- Arh
- Clapb1
- Claps2
- Clta
- Cltc
- Lal
- Ldlr
- Ldlrap1
- Lip1
- Lipa
- Narc1
- Nceh1
- Npc1
- Npc2
- Pcsk9
- Soat1
- Soat2
RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in BCR signaling
- Aml1
- Cbfa2
- Cbfb
- Pax5
- Runx1
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol
- Abcb11
- Acot8
- Acox2
- Acsb
- Acsvl1
- Akr1c1
- Akr1c21
- Akr1d1
- Amacr
- Baat
- Bar
- Bsep
- Cca2
- Cyp27
- Cyp27a1
- Cyp7
- Cyp7a1
- Cyp7b1
- Cyp8
- Cyp8b1
- Edh17b4
- Facvl1
- Fatp2
- Fatp5
- Fxr
- Hsd17b4
- Hsd17b5
- Hsd3b7
- Ncoa1
- Ncoa2
- Nr1h4
- Nr2b1
- Pte1
- Ptgis
- Rip14
- Rxra
- Scp-2
- Scp2
- Slc27a2
- Slc27a5
- Spgp
- Thcox
- Tif2
- Vlacs
- Vlacsr
- Vlcs
PCP/CE pathway
- Arha
- Arha2
- Daam1
- Dvl1
- Dvl2
- Dvl3
- Fzd1
- Fzd3
- Fzd6
- Fzd7
- LOC100361515
- Pfn1
- Rac
- Rac1
- Rac2
- Rhoa
- Wnt-4
- Wnt-5a
- Wnt1
- Wnt11
- Wnt4
- Wnt5a
- Wnt5b
NCAM1 interactions
- Col4a1
- Col4a2
- Col4a3
- Col4a4
- Col4a5
- LOC100911572
- Ncam
- Ncam1
- Siat8b
- St8sia2
- St8sia4
- Stx
Regulation of APC/C activators between G1/S and early anaphase
- Anapc1
- Anapc15
- Anapc16
- Anapc2
- Anapc4
- Anapc5
- Anapc7
- Ccna1
- Ccna2
- Ccnb1
- Cdc16
- Cdc2
- Cdc20
- Cdc23
- Cdc26
- Cdc27
- Cdc2a
- Cdk1
- Cdk2
- Cdkn1
- Cdkn2
- Fzr1
- LOC100366017
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2e1
- Ube2s
Regulation of necroptotic cell death
- Aip1
- Api3
- Birc2
- Birc3
- Birc4
- Casp8
- Cdc37
- Fadd
- Flot1
- Flot2
- Hsp86
- Hsp90aa1
- Hspca
- Itch
- LOC100360645
- Mlkl
- NEWGENE_1308361
- Ogt
- Park2
- Pdcd6ip
- Prkn
- Reg1
- Reg2
- Rip3
- Ripk1
- Ripk3
- Rps27a
- Sdcbp
- Tradd
- Traf2
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Ube2l3
- Xiap
ARMS-mediated activation
- Arms
- Crk
- Crko
- Kidins220
- Krev1
- Ngf
- Ngfb
- Ntrk1
- Rap1a
- Trk
- Trka
Formation of xylulose-5-phosphate
- Akr1a1
- Alr
- Cry
- Cryl1
- Dcxr
- Glb
- Sdh1
- Sord
- Xylb
Vitamin D (calciferol) metabolism
- Arh
- Cubn
- Cyp24
- Cyp24a1
- Cyp27b
- Cyp27b1
- Cyp2r1
- Dbp
- Gc
- Ifcr
- Ldlrap1
- Lgmn
- Lrp2
- Nr1i1
- Pias4
- Prsc1
- Smt3a
- Smt3h2
- Sumo2
- Ubce9
- Ube2i
- Vdr
Surfactant metabolism
- Abca3
- Adgrf5
- Adora2a
- Adora2b
- Adra2a
- Adra2c
- Ccdc59
- Ckap4
- Ctsh
- Gata6
- Gpr116
- Gprhep
- Lmcd1
- Napsa
- P2ru1
- P2ry2
- Sftp-1
- Sftp1
- Sftp2
- Sftp3
- Sftp4
- Sftpa
- Sftpa1
- Sftpb
- Sftpc
- Sftpd
- Slc17a2
- Slc34a1
- Slc34a2
- Srec
- Ttf1
- Zdhhc2
Regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis by SREBP (SREBF)
- Kpnb1
- Mbtps1
- Ran
- S1p
- Scap
- Ski1
- Srebf1
- Srebf2
- Srebp1
Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation
- A2m
- A2m1
- C1qbp
- Cf9
- F10
- F11
- F12
- F2
- F8
- F9
- Gc1qbp
- Gp1ba
- Gp1bb
- Gp5
- Gp9
- Hcf2
- Klk3
- Klkb1
- Kng
- Kng1
- Pi7
- Pk
- Pn1
- Prcp
- Proc
- Pros
- Pros1
- Serpina5
- Serpinc1
- Serpind1
- Serpine2
- Serping1
CD28 co-stimulation
- Cd28
- Cd80
- Cd86
- Fyn
- Grap2
- Lck
- Lyn
- Src
- Yes1
Interleukin-1 signaling
- Btrc
- Chuk
- Cul1
- ENSRNOG00000067007
- Ikba
- Ikbkb
- Ikbkg
- Ikkb
- Il-1r2
- Il-1ra
- Il1a
- Il1b
- Il1r1
- Il1r2
- Il1ra
- Il1rap
- Il1rb
- Il1rn
- Irak1
- Irak2
- Irak3
- Irak4
- LOC100360645
- Map2k6
- Map3k7
- Map3k7ip2
- Mkk6
- Myd88
- Nemo
- Nfkbia
- Peli2
- Rbx1
- Rela
- Rps27a
- Skp1
- Skp1a
- Sqstm1
- Tab1
- Tab2
- Tab3
- Tollip
- Traf6
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Zip
IRAK2 mediated activation of TAK1 complex upon TLR7/8 or 9 stimulation
- Cd14
- Irak2
- LOC100360645
- Ly96
- Map3k7
- Map3k7ip2
- Plin3
- Rps27a
- Tab1
- Tab2
- Tab3
- Ticam1
- Ticam2
- Tlr4
- Traf6
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
RUNX3 regulates YAP1-mediated transcription
- Runx3
- Tead1
- Tead2
- Tead3
- Tead4
- Yap
- Yap1
- Yap65
Acetylcholine regulates insulin secretion
- Gna11
- Gna14
- Gna15
- Gnaq
- Macs
- Marcks
- Pkca
- Plcb1
- Plcb2
- Plcb3
- Prkca
Transport of RCbl within the body
- Abcc1
- Arh
- Cd320
- Ldlrap1
- Lrp2
- Mrp1
- Tcn2
Noncanonical activation of NOTCH3
- Aph1a
- Ncstn
- Notch3
- Ps2
- Psen1
- Psen2
- Psenen
- Psnl1
- Psnl2
- Yb1
- Ybx1